Thursday, September 17, 2009

Skype for work and fun!

Last week Scott Sanders (BTC) installed Skype on my work computer. I already had it on my home computer and had been using it to talk with my daughter who is currently working in Korea. On Saturday I was in California for my mom's 80th birthday. While everyone was showing up for the party I brought my daughter up on Skype and she was able to video chat with all my family. Every Wednesday, Scott and I have a morning meeting - this week we opted to meet via Skype. Then we added another co-worker and had a conference call - although that was audio only. Scott and I had other discussions using Skype during the week. Way cool!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm glad you found a way to work in Skype! I am still trying to figure out where to put in in the "things." :-)
