Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 7, Thing 17: Podcasts

I went to Learning Out Loud and look around. I found some useful stuff and dead links too - so it wasn't a perfect world. As a librarian the part that interested me most was finding complete novels listed. I thought that this would be a valuable asset for our school. We have more and more students needing to get assigned novels in an audio format. We have limited copies of CDs and Playaway titles. I was really encouraged when I found many novels that available that are in the public domain. This is a great resource!

Week 7, Thing 16: You Tube

The one thing I love on Youtube are the plethora of book trailers. This is a fun way to advertise current or upcoming new releases. People get really creative and some are very professionally done.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week 6, Thing 14 Voice Thread: Adding to Your PLN

Spent the last 90 minutes playing around in Voice Thread and stumbled upon this one about PLNs. I was kinda excited so I joined it. Voice Thread seems like a great learning too, but I am trying to figure out how to use it with classes - especially at the high school level. Do you just have all your students join on their own? Most of the kids at our school have their own email address, although I know of a few that don't. I can't see them operating out of a teacher's account. If you are using Voice Threads at the high school level - fill me in!