Tuesday, January 5, 2010

ALEC & Google Docs

Today during our staff development day, Kym Gile and myself taught a class on using ALEC (District 20's Moodle) and Google Docs for educators. The focus was on how to use them tools to communicate with students and have them collaborate with each other. Got questions? Talk to Kym or myself.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 8, Another Thing: Jings

One tool that I have discovered and used are Jings. I really like using Jings to communicate with the staff at my school. Jings give you the ability to do screen captures and record videos of onscreen instruction - your voice can be added. I have used Jings to show our staff how to use some of our databases. The ones I have made all include passwords, so I will create a quick one later on to show you how they work. Check out the site at: www.jingproject.com/

Week 8, Thing 20: Nings

A few months ago I joined two Nings: the Co Teacher Librarian Ning and the Power Libraries Ning. I have spent time on both nings. At this point I can see the value of nings as a networking tool, however I have not had the opportunity to use them to their fullest advantage. My biggest problem with all these tools is having the time to use and fully explore them.

Week 8, Thing 19: Google Earth

The first time I went to Google Earth, I spent an hour exploring Rome. It was really neat going back and looking at all the places that I visited a year and half ago. This time I went to the Grand Canyon and looked at that. I also took the view of the night sky, the moon and mars. I think our astronomy teacher would like using this feature with his classes.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Week 8, Thing 18: Slideshare

Today I checked out and registered for Slideshare. WOW - powerpoint presenatations on just about every topic imaginable. If you need a new Power Point, don't create - borrow one that someone else has already created. A quick way to collaborate.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 7, Thing 17: Podcasts

I went to Learning Out Loud and look around. I found some useful stuff and dead links too - so it wasn't a perfect world. As a librarian the part that interested me most was finding complete novels listed. I thought that this would be a valuable asset for our school. We have more and more students needing to get assigned novels in an audio format. We have limited copies of CDs and Playaway titles. I was really encouraged when I found many novels that available that are in the public domain. This is a great resource!

Week 7, Thing 16: You Tube

The one thing I love on Youtube are the plethora of book trailers. This is a fun way to advertise current or upcoming new releases. People get really creative and some are very professionally done.